Last updateThu, 13 Feb 2025 9am


Le Ngoc Phuong




1. Full name: Lê Ngọc Phương

2. Date of birth:                         20/ 02/ 1985                                   

3. Gender:                            Male                                 X Female

4. Place of work:

Institution: University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University

Faculty: Faculty of Literature and Languages

Department: Theory and Criticism of literature

5. Highest Degree:       BA            BS      X MA     MS    PhD                    Year of graduation: .........................

6. Current academic title:                X  Lecturer                            Senior Lecturer               

 Assistant Professor         Associate Professor        Professor        

                                                                Year granted: .........................

Current job title:                 Dean                 Vice Dean                        Department Head         

                                Academic assistant        Secretary           Student affair professional                           

7. Contact details:

No.   Office Home/Personal
1 Address 10 -12 Dinh Tien Hoang, District 1, HCM City 67/68/2B 38th street, Thu Duc District, HCM City
2 Tel./ fax. 08.8243326 0903642585
3 Email

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8. Working experience:

Time (from…to) Place of work Job title
From 2007 to 2009 Faculty of Literature and Languages Assistant Lecturer
From 2009 to now Faculty of Literature and Languages University Lecturer


9. Educational background:

Level/ degree earned Year graduated Institution Major Title of thesis/dissertation
Undergraduate 2007 University of Social Sciences & Humanities Bachelor of Literature Borges and another bound of reality
Master 2011 University of Social Sciences & Humanities Master of Literature The fantasy factor in Latin American short stories (Survey through two great writers: Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Doctorate   University of Social Sciences & Humanities Ph.D of Literature The structure of Latin American novels (case study of works by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa)


  1. Teaching interest and research orientation
  1. 10.1Teaching interest:

-    Discipline: Theory and Criticism of literature

-    Major: Literature

-    Specialization: Theory of literature and foreign  literature

  1. 10.2Research orientation:

1. Modern and Postmodern litery theory

2. Latin American literature


  1. Research projects
No. Research/Project title

Code &


Year done


(VND millions)

Project leader or member Date of defense Results
1 Woman’s awakening in Southern literature by beginning of XXth century   1 year   Project leader 5/2006  
2 Dinh Gia Trinh and literature criticism   3 months   Project leader 2007  
3 Narrative technique of the novel The man in dark   3 months  

Project leader

4 Multi-dimensional Reality in the Novel: Conversation in the La Cathedral   3 months   Project leader 2012  
5 A postcolonial approach to Mario Vargas Llosa's novels   1 year   Project leader 2014  
  1. Academic advising/mentoring
No. Name of mentee(s) Thesis/Dissertation title Graduation year Level

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

1 Bui Phuong Uyen Researching the novel Things fall apart by post-colonist criticism  2011 Undergraduate  
2 Ho Nguyen Van Chuong Researching the novel Kafka on the shore by psychosexual theory  2012 Student research  
3 Than Thi Loan Surveying the Ho Anh Thai‘s short story 2012 Student research  
4 Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao Psychological reality in the Alberto Moravia’s works 2012 Undergraduate  

Vu Thi Dung

Vu Minh Quang

Surveying about Mario Vargas Llosa and his novel: Conversation in the Cathedral 2013 Student research  
6 Vu Thi Dung Researching the novel The name of the rose by semiotics 2013 Undergraduate  
7 Pham Thi Mai Han The artist and esthetics in Death in Venice 2014 Undergraduate  
8 Lê Trần Phương Trinh The fantastic elements in Italo Calvino's novels 2015 Undergraduate  



1. Books/ Book chapters

1.1 International publications

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name



1.2. National/Local

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name


2. Journal articles

2.1. In international journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication


As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


( ISI or not?)

IF scores


2.2. In national/local journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication


As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)



1 Le Ngoc Phuong, The Structure of Magical reality’s short stories, Scientific Journal of Saigon University, 2011   ISSN 1859-3208    
2 Le Ngoc Phuong, Jorge Luis Borges and his source of inspiration, Scientific Journal of Saigon University, 2011   1859-3208    
3 Le Ngoc Phuong, Magic Realism’s manifestations in Japanese contemporary literature, Journal of Literary Review, Institute of Literature, 2012   1859-2856    
4 Le Ngoc Phuong, Multi-dimensional Reality in the Novel: Conversation in the La Cathedral, Journal of Science & Technology Development, VNU - HCM, 2013   1859-0128    
5 Le Ngoc Phuong, Abe Kobo: A global Style of Magical Realism, Journal of Literary Review, Institute of Literature, 2014   1859-2856    
6 Le Ngoc Phuong, Japanese Aesthetics, translated from Donald Keene's speech, Scientific Journal of Saigon University, 2014   1859-3208    
7 Le Ngoc Phuong, Postcolonial spirit and the choice of cultural identity (case study Mario Vargas Llosa), Journal of 40 years  of Literature and Languages's establishment, 2014        
8 Le Ngoc Phuong, Legendary spiritualities in the modern Latin American literature, Scientific Journal of Saigon University, 2015   1859-3208    


2.3. In international conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication


As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)



1 Le Ngoc Phuong, Outline the process of the Western literature importing into Japan, Modernization process in Japanese literature and in the literatures of East – Asia region (Vietnam, China, Korea), 2010      
2 Le Ngoc Phuong, Magic Realism’s manifestations in Japanese contemporary literature, Vietnamese and Japanese literature viewed from an east Asia perspective, 2011      
3 Le Ngoc Phuong, Abe Kobo: A global Style of Magical Realism, Studies on Vietnamese and Japanese literature in the globalization context of the 21st century, 2013      


2.4. In national/local conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication


As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)




Le Ngoc Phuong, Dinh Gia Trinh and Literature criticism, Youth Science Conference, 2007


Le Ngoc Phuong, Comparing programs of teaching literature of some universities in Vietnam, Conference on Innovating the method of teaching at the university, 2008

3 Le Ngoc Phuong, Legendary spiritualities in the modern Latin American literature, Conference on Literature and Spiritual culture, 2014      



1. Research awards

No. Title of the award Highlights/Reasons for the awards Granted by Year received
1 Second prize of school level on scientific research Woman’s awakening in Southern literature by beginning of XXth century   2006
2 Encourage prize of ministry level and scientific research Woman’s awakening in Southern literature by beginning of XXth century   2006


2. Patent granting

No. Patent title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code of patent Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


3. Recognition of innovative initiatives

No. Initiative

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


4. Application/Comercialization of research outputs

No. Title of technology/ innovative initiative tranfered and applied Scale/Model and Place of application Year transfered

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)




1. Participation in other local/foreign projects/ programs …

No. From..to… Title of the project/ initiatives Job assigned


2. Participation in Associations, Board of Journal Editors, or Board of Organizers of scientific conferences and seminars



From… to…

Name of Associations/ Journals/ Conferences Job assigned/ Title


3. Working, Teaching & Research experiences at other institutions/ institues and research centers



 From… to…

Name of institution/ institute/ Research centers Job assigned//Title
  June , 5, 2016

Written by

(Signature & Full name)




                                      Le Ngoc Phuong


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