Lu Khe and the First Article Introducing Japanese Literature in Cochinchina
Written by Võ Văn Nhơn, Ngô Trà Mi |
Hits: 1080
What Happens in Hamlet when Hamlet Goes to Asia?
Written by Keith Andrew Jones |
Hits: 2423
Introduction to Arabic Classical Poetics
Written by Nguyễn Ngọc Bảo Trâm |
Hits: 2165
Theme of Sexuality in Novels by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa
Written by Lê Ngọc Phương |
Hits: 2277
The Missionary Novels of Nineteenth Century China
Written by Khoa Văn học |
Hits: 1496
Legendary spiritualities in the modern Latin American literature
Written by Lê Ngọc Phương |
Hits: 2172
Futurism in Russian poetry
Written by Trần Thị Phương Phương |
Hits: 1776
Chinese cultural elements in «Genji Monogatari » and their literary significance
Written by Phan Thu Vân |
Hits: 8162
Meetings of the Russians with Kawabata Yasunari
Written by Trần Thị Phương Phương |
Hits: 9894
Transfer and Transculturation in East Asian Literature in Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century
Written by Trần Hải Yến |
Hits: 8638