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La Mai Thi Gia




1. Full name: LA MAI THI GIA

2. Date of birth: 15 October 1980                                                          

3. Gender:                           Female

4. Place of work:

Institution: University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University

Faculty: Faculty of Linguistics & Literature

Department: Folk culture

Postion: Lecturer

5. Highest Degree: PhD                   Year of graduation: 2014

6. Current academic title:              Lecturer                            Senior Lecturer               

Assistant Professor        Associate Professor        Professor        

                                                               Year granted: 2007

Current job title:                 Dean                 Vice Dean                        Department Head         

                                Academic assistant        Secretary          Student affair professional                         

7. Contact details:

No.   Office Home/Personal
1 Address 10-12 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, District 1  
2 Tel./ fax. 08. 38243326  
3 Email www.khoavanhoc-ngonngu.edu.vn This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8. Foreign language(s):

No. Language Listening Speaking Writing Reading
Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver. Excellent Good Aver.
1 English (college certificate)     x     x   x   x    

9. Working experience:

Time (from…to) Place of work Job title
From 2003 to present Faculty of Literature and Linguistics, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City Lecturer, Head of Folk-culture departerment (1.2016)


10. Educational background:

Level/ degree earned Year graduated Institution Major Title of thesis/dissertation
Undergraduate 1998-2002 University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Literature Folk literature of Soc Trang - Ve
Master 2003 - 2006 University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Vietnamese Literature Motif of   rebirth in Vietnamese folktales  
Doctorate 2008 - 2014 University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Literary theory The Study of Motif in Folk-tale: Theory and Application-A Motif of Rebirth


  1. 11.Teaching interest and research orientation
    1. 11.1Teaching interest: Social Sciences and Humanities

-    Discipline: Vietnamese folk culture

-    Major: Vietnamese folk literature

  1. 11.2Research orientation:

1. Theory of researching folktales

2. Collectting and editting documents of folk literature which collected in coutryside


  1. 1.Research projects
No. Research/Project title

Code &


Year done


(VND millions)

Project leader or member Date of defense Results
1 Quocngu prose in Southern Vietnam from the late nineteenth century to 1930 Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City, Key project 2005-2008 500 Research member 2009 Outstanding

Studies Southern’s folk stories in theory of fuction–structure and hisrotical origins


University of Social Sciences and Humanities 2016 20 Project manager In process  
  1. 2.Academic advising/mentoring

Advisor for undergraduate theses

No. Name of mentee(s) Thesis/Dissertation title Graduation year Level

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

1 Nguyễn Thị Hồng Loan

Folk literature of An Giang- folk songs and Ve (editting and introducing documents which collected in Long Xuyên, Châu Thành, Chợ Mới, Thoại Sơn and Tri Tôn)

2006 Undergraduate
2 Nguyễn Thị Minh Ngọc Folk literature of An Giang- folk songs and Ve (editting and introducing documents which collected in Châu Phú, Tịnh Biên, Phú Tân, Tân Châu, An Phú). 2007 Undergraduate
3 Bùi Thị Hoài Folk literature of Vietnamese and Khomer - folk songs and Ve (editting and introducing documents which collected in Chơn Thành, Đồng Phú, Bình Long, Lộc Ninh). 2008 Undergraduate
4 Hoàng Thị Lệ Hằng

Folk literature of Bình Phuoc - folk songs (editting and introducing documents which collected in Bù Đăng, Bù Long Bù Đốp).

2009 Undergraduate
5 Nguyễn Thị Tình Folk literature of Bên Tre - folk song and Ve (editting and introducing documents which collected in Ba Tri, Bình Đại, Chợ Lách, Thạnh Phú). 2010 Undergraduate
6 Võ Thị Thanh Hảo Motif of avatar in Vietnamese folktales 2012 Undergraduate
7 Vũ Mai Linh From moitf hero kills snake to type of folktake Thach Sanh in Vietnamese legend (researching instructure) 2013 Undergraduate
8 Phạm Lê Quyên Comparring motifs of reward and punishment in fairytales of Vietnamese and Korea 2014 Undergraduate

Advisors for MA.’s theses

No. Name of mentee(s) Thesis/Dissertation title Graduation year Level Discipline
1 Châu Hoài Phương Lý – a kind of folk songs in southern of Vietnam In process Master Vietnamese literature


1. Books/ Book chapters

1.1 International publications

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name

1.2. National/Local

No. Title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Publisher Year of publication Author/ Co-author Pen name
1 Issues in literature: Poem – Research, theory and criticism Letters and arts 2005 Co-author
2 Issues in Social Sciences and Humanities VNU-HCM 2008 Co-author
3 Cultural notice 2009 Encyclopedic dictionary, HN 2009 Co-author
4 Literature, Buddhism with Thang Long-Hanoi of 1000 years Culture and Information 2010 Co-author
5 Cultural notice 2010 Social science, HN 2010 Co-author
6 East Asian modern literature - comparative perspective HCMC 2011 Co-author
7 Cultural notice 2011-2012 Knowledge 2012 Co-author
8 Folk Fable of Korea   Văn hóa Văn Nghệ TP.HCM 2014 Co-translator
9 Education and communication with folklore in Southeast of Vietnam Đong Nai 2014 Co-author
10 Contributions of Phan Khoi in Vietnamese culture. Quang Nam 2015 Co-author
11 Anthropology and life, volume 2 VNU-HCM 2014 Co-author
12 Issues in literature VNU-HCM 2015 Co-author


Vietnamese and Japannes literature in the context of globalization VNU-HCM 2015 Co-author
14 Cultural figure Nguyen Du VNU-HCM 2015 Co-author
15 Scholar and Writer Nguyen Dong Chi Tre 2015 Co-author
16 Anthropology and life, volume 3 VNU-HCM 2015 Co-author
17 The Study of Motif in Folk-tale: Theory and Application VNU_ HN 2015 Author
18 Values and methods of teaching social sciences subjects in secondary schools




2. Journal articles

2.1. In international journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


( ISI or not?)

IF scores

2.2. In national/local journals


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


La Mai Thi Gia, Motif of rebirth in Vietnamese fairy tales; Magazine of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3.2005.
La Mai Thi Gia, Studies motif of rebirth in Vietnamese fairy tales in theory of fuction–structure Magazine of Social Sciences and Humanities, 12.2008.
La Mai Thi Gia, Meaning of rebirth motif in expressing theme and idea of legends and fairy tales; Scientific Journal of Saigon University, Literary Criticism, Annal of 2010. 1859-3208
La Mai Thi Gia, Finnish schools and geographical - history method in folktale's studies; Scientific Journal of Saigon University, Literary Criticism, Annal of 2011.
La Mai Thi Gia, Korean great poems in early   twentieth century;, Foreign Literature Studies; 7.2012.

La Mai Thi Gia, Studies motif of folk tales in hisrotical origins method; Scientific Journal of Saigon University, Literary Criticism, Annal of 2012

La Mai Thi Gia, Understanding more about Southern of Vietnam through Vè, Culture and Tourism, No. 5.2013
La Mai Thi Gia, Studies motif on relationship between motifs and plot, Literature Studies; 7.2013 1859-2856
La Mai Thi Gia, Historical origins of the rebirth motif in Vietnamese fairy tales (characters rebirth by magic water), Scientific Journal of Saigon University, Literary Criticism, Annal of 2013 – 2014
La Mai Thi Gia, Characteristics of Mnong’s folk songs, Scientific Information Journal of Cultural university, HCM, no 4.2013.
La Mai Thi Gia, Cho Chi Hun – Remembering about nature and past; Literature Studies, 1.2014
La Mai Thi Gia, Studies motif of folk tales in the hisrotical   change and origin aspect; Journal of Folklore, 3.2014 0866-7284
La Mai Thi Gia, The origins in grown-up ritual of rebirth motif in Vietnamese fairy tales, Southern Social Science; 8.2014 1859-0136
Coconut in Ben Tre’s folklore, Culture and Tourism, no 19, 2014.
La Mai Thi Gia, Forms of conversation in love folk songs; Light Source of Folklore, No. 1.2015
La Mai Thi Gia, Yoshimasu Gozo and ability of cross-cultural creation in poetry; Social science and humanities, Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy, 2015   1859-3100
La Mai Thi Gia, Content characteristics of Korea folk fable; Scientific Journal of Saigon University, Literary Criticism, Annal of 2015  
La Mai Thi Gia, The meaning of the monkey symbols in Vietnamese folklore, Culture and Tourism, no 1.2016  

2.3. In international conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)


1 La Mai Thi Gia; Korean great poems in early twentieth century; In national conferences; The modernizal process of Japanese literature and countries in cultural area of Han script: Vietnam, China, Korea (from the late nineteenth century to early twentieth century), HCM city, 2012
La Mai Thi Gia; Comparing the position and function of main motifs in Man married toad of Vietnamese folktales and Snails lady of Korean folktales; In national conferences Relations between Vietnam - Korea:Past, Present and Future, HCMC, 2012.
La Mai Thi Gia; Yoshimasu Gozo and ability of cross-cultural creation in poetry; In national conferences; Vietnames and Japanese Literature in the context of 21st century globalization, HCMC, 12.2013.
La Mai Thi Gia; Cho Chi Hun – Remembering about nature and past; In national conferences; Korean literature in the context of Asia, HCMC, 1.2014
La Mai Thi Gia; Coconut in Bentre’s folklore, In national conferences Vietnamese coconut trees - potential and development; USSH VNU-HCM, Vietnam Association of Coconut, People Committee of Ben Tre, August 2014.
La Mai Thi Gia; Forms of conversation in love folk songs; In national conferences Oriental art music, identity and values, HCM city, 12.2014 978-604-73-3020-1
La Mai Thi Gia; Vietnam in Asean relationship: For integration and development, need to understand; In national conferences; Asean community after 2015: Opportunities and Challenges, Da Nang, 2015 978-6049440038
2 La Mai Thi Gia; From the rice god in folktales to the spirit of rice worshiping in agricultural religion of southeast asian countries, In international conferences Vietnam and Southeast Asia: Integration and Development, Phú Yên, 12.2015

2.4. In national/local conferences


Author, article title, journal title, Vol., pages, Year of publication

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)



La Mai Thi Gia; Buddhist origins of the rebirth motif in Vietnames fairy tales, In national conference of “Literature, Buddhism and 1000 years of Thang Long-Hanoi”, Institue of Buddhism Studies in HCMC and Association of Literary Teaching and Researching in HCMC, August 2010
La Mai Thi Gia; Phan Khôi and the feminist movement in Phu nu Tan van newspaper, In national conference Contributions of Phan Khoi in Vietnamese culture.
La Mai Thi Gia, Nguyen Dong Chi's view of the international character of type and motif in Kho tang truyen co tich Viet Nam; In national conference “100 years of birthday of scholar and writer Nguyen Dong Chi”, Thanh Nien Communication Group, Association of Literary Teaching and Researching, Tre Publishing House, Hochiminh City, May 2015.
La Mai Thi Gia, Changing of reading comprehension’s method literatural works in secondary program and the role of puplis in receiving literature; In national conference; Values and methods of teaching social sciences subjects in secondary schools; Dong Thap, 8.2015
La Mai Thi Gia; Ancient Vietnameses and Southern languages in Cau hat gop of Huynh Tinh Cua; In national conferences Vietnamese Script: The formation, development and contributions to Vietnamese culture, Phu Yen, 10.2015
La Mai Thi Gia Comparing symbolic meaning of parallel symbols in folk songs and Kieu; conference on 250 years of birthday of cultural figure Nguyen Du, USSH VNU-HCM, December 2015. 978-604-73-3827-6


1. Research awards

No. Title of the award Highlights/Reasons for the awards Granted by Year received
  The A-Second prize of Vietnamese Folklore Society, member Folk literure of Chau Doc Vietnamese Folklore Society 2009
  The A-Second prize of Vietnamese Folklore Society, member Folk literure of An Giang Vietnamese Folklore Society 2010
  The First prize of Vietnamese Folklore Society, member Folk literure of Ben Tre Vietnamese Folklore Society 2012
  The B-Second prize of Vietnamese Folklore Society, Project leader The Study of Motif in Folk-tale: Theory and Application Vietnamese Folklore Society 2014

2. Patent granting

No. Patent title

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code of patent Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


3. Recognition of innovative initiatives

No. Initiative

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)

Code Year granted Issue by Author/ Co-author


4. Application/Comercialization of research outputs

No. Title of technology/ innovative initiative tranfered and applied Scale/Model and Place of application Year transfered

As output of what project

(write the code only, if applicable)




1. Participation in other local/foreign projects/ programs …

No. From..to… Title of the project/ initiatives Job assigned


2. Participation in Associations, Board of Journal Editors, or Board of Organizers of scientific conferences and seminars



From… to…

Name of Associations/ Journals/ Conferences Job assigned/ Title
2003 to present HCMC's society of literatural researching and teaching Member
2007 - present Society of Vietnamese Folklore – Branch of HCM USSH Member
2014 to present Society of anthropology – Từ Chi, Branch of HCM USSH Member

3. Working, Teaching & Research experiences at other institutions/ institues and research centers



From… to…

Name of institution/ institute/ Research centers Job assigned//Title
  Jun 2016







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(Signature & Full name)

La Mai Thi Gia

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