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Literature Process - Course Syllabus


UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES        Independence – Freedom - Happiness

Course Syllabus

1. General information of the course

a. Course Name: Literature Process

b. Course Code

c. Course Type

  • General:                      □
  • Basic:                              □
  • Foundation/intermediate:  □
  • Compulsory:                 □
  • Optional/elective:         □
  • Specialized:                   □

2. Course Credit:   2

3. Level: third year students

4. Time allocation: 30 periods

- Lectures/Theories: 24 periods  

- Seminars/Students’ presentation, discussion: 6 periods

- Home assignment: Read and translate materials

5. Course Prerequisites: Students are expected to have completed

The course in Principles and theories of literature, Literary works and literary types.

6. Course Aim

     6.1. In terms of theories, the course is aimed to help students get good knowledge of theoretical points and key concepts to study the literature process as an issue of literature theories.

     6.2. In terms of practice, the course is aimed to help students apply the knowledge of literature process to analyze and evaluate the trends, schools and methods; as a result, they can grasp the rule in the development of the Vietnamese and the world literature, the relationship between the tradition and modernity, the stability and the changeability, nationalization and internationalization through the typical literary phenomena.

7. Course Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to:

- present the theoretical points and key concepts to study the literature process as an issue of literature theories

- analyze and evaluate the literary trends, schools and methods

8. Course Overview

      8.1. Presentation of the theoretical points which help clarify the issue of literary process as an aspect of literature theories; explanation of the content and denotation of the concepts related to the research of literary process: types of creation, tendencies, trends, schools/viewpoints, methods of arts, styles and lines of styles.     

      8.2. Introduction of the circumstance of coming into being, history of activities, characteristics and achievements of the main literary trends and tendencies in the history of Vietnamese and the world’s literature together with the outstanding authors and literary works.

9. Texts and Materials:

     9.1. Ñoã Ñöùc Hieåu, Nguyeãn Hueä Chi, Phuøng Vaên Töûu, Traàn Höõu Taù (chuû bieân): Töø ñieån vaên hoïc boä môùi, Nxb Theá giôùi, Haø Noäi, 2004.

     9.2. Fragonard M.: Vaên hoùa theá kyû XX. Töø ñieån lòch söû vaên hoùa (Chu Tieán Aùnh dòch), Nxb Chính trò  Quoác gia, Haø Noäi, 1999.

     9.3. Gulajev N. A. : Lyù luaän vaên hoïc (Leâ Ngoïc Taân dòch), Nxb Ñaïi hoïc vaø trung hoïc chuyeân nghieäp, Haø Noäi, 1982.

     9.4. Haø Minh Ñöùc (chuû bieân): Lyù luaän vaên hoïc, Nxb Giaùo duïc, Haø Noäi, 1995.

     9.5. Laïi Nguyeân Aân: 150 thuaät ngöõ vaên hoïc, Nxb Ñaïi hoïc Quoác gia Haø Noäi, 1999.

     9.6. Nguyeãn Vaên Haïnh, Huyønh Nhö Phöông: Lyù luaän vaên hoïc – vaán ñeà vaø suy nghó, Nxb Giaùo duïc, Haø Noäi, 1997.

     9.7. Phöông Löïu (chuû bieân): Lyù luaän vaên hoïc, Nxb Giaùo duïc, Haø Noäi, 2002.

     9.8. Petrov S. : Chuû nghóa hieän thöïc pheâ phaùn (Nguyeãn Ñöùc Nam, Phaïm Vaên Troïng vaø Anh Ñaøo dòch), NXB Ñaïi hoïc vaø trung hoïc chuyeân nghieäp, Haø Noäi, 1986.

     9.9. Pospelov G. N. (chuû bieân) : Daãn luaän nghieân cöùu vaên hoïc (Traàn Ñình Söû, Laïi Nguyeân AÂn, Leâ Ngoïc Traø dòch), Nxb Giaùo duïc, Haø Noäi, 1998.

     9.10. Larrissy E.: Romanticism and Postmodernism, Cambridge University Press, London, 1999.

    9.11. Richard J.-P.: Eùtudes sur le romantisme, Ed. du Seuil, Paris, 1970.

    9.12. Rosen Ch. & Zerner H. : Romanticism and Realism, W. W. Norton & Company, New York & London, 1984.

    9.13. Borev Yu. (chuû bieân): Teorija literatury. Literaturnyj protsess (Lyù luaän vaên hoïc. Tieán trình vaên hoïc). IMLI RAN, “Nasledie”, Moskva, 2001.

    9.14. Khalizev V.: Teorija literatury (Lyù luaän vaên hoïc), Vyshaja Shkola, Moskva, 1999.

10. Learning Assessment

- Class attendance and participation (at least 80% of the class time)

- Translate and summarize the literary works: 25%

- Presentation and discussion: 25%

- Final test: 50%

11. Requirements for student: students are required to

- be punctual (at least 80% of the class time)

- read the textbooks and materials

- translate and summarize the literary works

- give presentation and participate in the class discussion

- sit for the final exam.

  12. Detailed contents of the course:

      12.1. Objectives and requirements of the course, research methods and structure of the course.

      12.2. Chapter 1: Literature process – a category of theories

- Literature as a developing system.

- Tradition and modernity in the literature process; the rule/law of heritage and innovation in literature.

- The issue of historical division the literature process.

- The change in structure of the literature process in the transitional periods

- Historical viewpoints and principles of studying literature process.

- The typological communality in the literature development

- The literary progress               

     12.3. Chapter 2: The literature process and the related concepts

- Types of creation (creation approach)

- Literary tendencies

- Literary trends

- Literary schools

- Art methods.

- Styles and currents of styles.

     12.4. Chapter 3: Literary tendencies and trends

- Classicism

- Sentimentalism

- Romanticism

- Realism

- Critical Realism

- Naturalism

- Socialist Realism

- Impressionism

- Symbolism

- Futurism

- Abstractionism

- Dadaism

- Surrealism

- Expressionism

- Existentialism

- Neorealism

- Magical Realism

- Modernism

- Postmodernism

   12.5. Conclusion: The uniformity and diversity in the development of the literary tendencies and trends.

13. Date of approval:

14. Board of management for approval:

                         Writer of the syllabus: Prof. Dr. HUYØNH NHÖ PHÖÔNG

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