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Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films

Female characters in Vietnamese and Korean movies (the case of The Moon at the Bottom of the Well and The Truth Beneath)

International Conference: “Studies on Vietnamese and Korean Literature and Films in the Context of Globalization” 

  1. Name (Family, Given): Nguyen Bich
  2. Nationality:       Viet Nam
  3. Profession:         Lecturer
  4. Higher Education: Master of Art
  5. Employment:     University of Social Scienes and Humanites
  6. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Female characters in Vietnamese and Korean movies

(the case of The Moon at the Bottom of the Well and The Truth Beneath)


This essay studies about the construction of the female characters of the movies The Moon at the bottom of the well (Viet Nam) and The Truth Beneath (Korea). Thereby, the writing considers what are the similarities and the differences between the female characters in these two films. By comparing with some other movies, the essay will find out if this is a type of female characters commonly seen in Vietnamese and Korean movies. Then, from a cultural perspective, the essay will give reasons for the appearance, the similarity/differences of this type of character in the two cinemas.

Keywords: Female character, Korean movies, Vietnamese movies, Confucianism