1. The total number of the toponyms in South Vietnam includes 70,000 units. The main features:
2.1. The reality: The toponyms come from the names of political figures; the names of cultural
characters; the names of heroes and martyrs; the names of the folk characters; the names of
organizations, historical buildings; the names of the natural terrains.
2.2.The rustic features: Many toponyms derive from common nouns: the names of the intersections; the
names of the terrains; the names of the construction works; the names of the titles; the names of the
2.3. The standard deviation of phonetics and spelling due to the limitations of the Southern dialect: the
ellipsis of phrases / sentences into very unique places; many words with simple phonetics are still used
as toponyms; the names of many organizations and unions become toponyms; many toponyms come
from nonstandard etymology; the names of many organizations and unions become toponyms;
2.4. The back-ups are found in hundreds of ancient, historical and local words from the Southern
2.5. The simile features are expressed through the use of two measures metaphor and metonymy.
2.6. The acculturation is found in acquiring Khmer and French cultures and in the process of the
cohabitation of these two peoples.
3. Conclusion
Keywords: reality, rustic features, standard deviation, back-ups, simile, acculturation.